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Texas Electrical License Renewal

Texas electricians need to renew their licenses annually. It is a process you have to stay on top of. While other states give electrical licensees several years between renewals, you need to make sure you complete yours each year In Texas. Electrical Exam

Here’s the how-to for apprentices, journeymen, masters, and sign electricians. 

How to renew my apprentice electrician license

Each year, your license expires on the date it was initially issued. You need to do three things for apprentice electrician license renewal:

  1. Complete your apprentice electrician continuing education. You need four hours during each renewal cycle. Fortunately, you can take these hours from a TDLR-approved online education provider, meaning you can do them from your computer, phone, or tablet and whenever it is convenient for you. 
  2. Complete the online renewal application. Here’s the link to the webpage to start the process. You’ll need your license number and social security number to log in. 
  3. Pay the renewal fee. It’s just $20 for apprentice electrician license renewal. Electrical Exam

If you have an electrical sign apprentice license, the process is pretty much the same, but you’ll use this link for your online renewal application. 

How to renew my journeyman electrician license

You might think that the journeyman electrician license renewal process would be more involved because of the higher level of licensure. The TDLR pretty much requires the same amount of work from you. To renew each year, you need to:

  • Get 4 electrician continuing education hours. Again, you can take these online and at your own pace. If you choose online CE, just make sure it’s from a TDLR-approved provider. The courses above are TDLR approved.
  • Send in your online renewal application. Here’s your link to start the process. You’ll need your social security and license number. 
  • Pay the renewal fee. This is really the only part of the process that differs. While apprentices only owe $20 each year, you’ll pay $30 for journeyman electrician license renewal.

If you’re a journeyman sign, industrial, or lineman electrician, you need the same CE hours and pay the same $30 fee. But your link to the online renewal application is different, so here you go: (see above)

Master electrician license renewal

By the time you reach master status, you probably already know how to renew an electrical license.

  1. Complete your CE. Like all other electrical licensees, you need four hours of CE each year. You can take these online to knock them out as easily as possible. Either of the two CE courses above will fulfill this requirement.
  2. Send in the renewal application. Start the online renewal process here.  
  3. Pay the renewal fee. For master electrician license renewal, you owe $45 each year. 

Master sign electricians, you also need four CE hours and owe $45 for renewal. You can start your online renewal at this link

For business license renewals, check out this TDLR page on electrical contractor license renewal. 


Last updated: 09/24/2021