Plumbing license exam preperation and continuing education.
Be incredibly successful. Invest in yourself. Plumbing License
A Master Plumbing License covers unlimited plumbing work including sanitary drainage, water supply, storm drainage, and natural gas piping. A Journeyman Plumbing license covers unlimited plumbing work including sanitary drainage, water supply, storm drainage, and natural gas piping while under the supervision of a Master Plumber. Our course includes online practice tests for the code book. We are here to help you achieve your goals.

Plumbing License Types
The Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners is the state agency responsible for licensing plumbers in Texas and has the authority to issues licenses, endorsements, and registrations. You will find general information about licensing on this page and its links. You may click on the name of the license, endorsement, or registration you are interested in to get more detailed information.
There are four types of plumbing licenses: Tradesman Plumber-Limited, Journeyman, Master, and Plumbing Inspector. To obtain a license, you must meet all of the eligibility requirements, take and pass an examination, and pay the required fee. Licenses renew annually. When you are issued your license for the first time, you are assigned a random expiration date anywhere from 6-18 months after the date you passed your licensure exam…unless you are a Plumbing Inspector. All Plumbing Inspectors expire in January.
All licensees must complete six hours of continuing professional education to be eligible to renew.
You may hold both a Journeyman and a Master Plumber License together at the same time. When you receive your Master License, it will be automatically assigned an expiration date that matches the expiration date of your Journeyman License. When you renew your licenses, if you have both, you only pay the renewal fee for the Master License. You may also hold a Plumbing Inspector License in addition to your Journeyman or Master Plumber License, or all three. However, your Plumbing Inspector License renews in January instead of syncing with the expiration date of your other license(s). If you hold all three licenses, and you are an unaffiliated Plumbing Inspector, you pay the renewal fee for both the Master and Plumbing Inspector Licenses. If you hold all three licenses, and you are an affiliated Plumbing Inspector, you only have to pay the renewal fee for the Plumbing Inspector License.
IMPORTANT: You cannot renew a license, registration, or endorsement that has been expired for more than two years. Instead, you must reinstate it. When your license or registration goes into reinstate, it is like you never held that license or registration at all. Therefore, to reinstating your license requires registering as a Plumber’s Apprentice and applying for and passing all applicable exams, basically starting over. To take an exam, you must meet all CURRENT eligibility requirements even if those requirements were not in effect the first time you obtained your license. For example, if you received your Journeyman Plumber License prior to February 1, 2010, and did not complete an Apprenticeship program, you would be required to take the 48-hour training program in order to be eligible to take the Journeyman Plumber Examination.
There are three types of endorsements: Medical Gas Piping Installation, Multipurpose Residential Fire Protection Sprinkler Specialist, and Water Supply Protection Specialist. An endorsement is a certification that you can add to a Journeyman, Master, or Plumbing Inspector License. To obtain an endorsement, you must meet all eligibility requirements, take and pass an examination, and pay a fee. Endorsements renew once every three years. When you obtain an endorsement for the first time, it is automatically assigned an expiration date that matches the expiration date of the license that the endorsement is attached to.
Individuals who hold the Medical Gas Piping Installation Endorsement must complete at least two hours of continuing professional education to be eligible to renew.
There are four types of registrations: Plumber’s Apprentice, Drain Cleaner-Restricted, Drain Cleaner, and Residential Utilities Installer. The Drain Cleaner-Restricted, Drain Cleaner, and Residential Utilities Installer Registrations function just like an endorsement because they are certifications that you can add to a Plumber’s Apprentice Registration. To obtain a registration, you must meet all eligibility requirements, fill out an application, and pay the fee. Registrations renew annually. When you are issued your Apprentice Registration for the first time, you will be assigned a random expiration date anywhere from 6-18 months from the date your application was approved. When you obtain an additional registration for the first time, it is automatically assigned an expiration date that matches the expiration date of your Apprentice Registration. Individuals who hold the Drain Cleaner-Restricted, Drain Cleaner, or Residential Utilities Installer Registration must complete six hours of continuing education to be eligible to renew.
The following table shows which endorsements and registrations may be added to a specific license type or a Plumber’s Apprentice Registration:
Last updated 09/22/2021